Blockchain 术语
- 51% attack
- a good source of randomness, 好的随机源
- altcoin, 山寨币
- ASIC, Application Specific Integrated Circuit, 特殊应用的集成芯片
- asymmetric encryption algorithm
- BCH, Bitcoin Cash, 比特现金 // 山寨,不能买
- BCHA, Bitcoin Cash ABC // 山寨,不能买
- BCHSV, BCH SV, Bitcoin Cash SV, Bitcoin Cash Satoshi Version // 山寨,不能买
- bitcoin, 比特币
- block, 区块
- blockchain, 区块链
- block reward, 区块奖励
- Brute-force attack, 蛮力攻击
- BSV, Bitcoin Satoshi Version // 山寨,不能买
- BTC, 1. 比特币的计量单位 2. bitcoin, 比特币
- BTF, Byzantine Fault Tolerant, 拜占庭容错
- Capital Gains Tax, 资本利得税
- CBDC, 中央银行数字货币
- coinbase transaction, 币基交易, 每个block里系统奖励新币的交易,此交易不用指明币的来源。
- collision resistance, 抗碰撞性
- Conflux,
- cryptocurrency
- cryptographic hash function: 1. collision resistance (collision free) 2. hiding (哈希函数的计算过程是单向的)
- DAC, Decentralized autonomous organization
- DApp, Decentralized Application, 去中心化应用
- DCA, Digital Currency Area, 数字货币区
- Decentralize, 去中心化
- DeFi, Decentralized finance, 去中心化金融
- DEX, Decentralized Exchange, 去中心化交易所
- digital commitment
- digital equivalent of a sealed envelope
- digital gold
- double spending attack, 双花攻击
- EIP, 太坊升级提案
- ETH, Ethereum, 以太坊
- Ethash, 为以太坊专门设计的hash算法
- ETC, Ethereum Classic, 以太坊经典 // 已沦为山寨,不能买
- EVM, Ethereum Virtual Machine, 以太坊虚拟机
- externally owned account, 以太坊的外部账户
- FIL, filecoin.
- filecoin, 文件币
- financial derivative, 金融衍生工具
- FOMO, Fear of missing out
- Gas Fee,以太坊的手续费
- hash rate
- ICO, Initial Coin Offering
- impermanent loss, 非永久性损失,无常损失
- IPFS, the Inter-Planetary File System
- IPNS, the InterPlanetary Name System
- liquidity mining, 流动性挖矿
- litcoin, 莱特币,一种模仿比特币的山寨币
- Longest valid chain, 最长合法链
- KYC, know your customer, 了解你的客户
- Merkle Tree, 相比 binary tree, MT 用哈希指针代替了普通指针。
- miner
- mining
- Multi-signature, 多重签名
- NFT, non-fungible Token,中文名叫非同质化通证。NFT是什么,有前景吗,哪里可以买到?
- Node, 节点
- nonce, ETH中的交易计数器
- orphan block, 孤儿块
- P2P, Peer to Peer
- PoA, proof-of-authority, 权威证明 // 另外一个说法是 Proof of Assignment,待考
- PoS, proof-of-stake, Proof of Stake, 权益证明, 股权证明
- PoW, proof-of-work, Proof of Work, 工作量证明
- Prooof of Spacetime, 时空证明
- puzzle friendly
- replay attack, 重放攻击
- SHA, Secure Hash Algorithm
- smart contract, 智能合约
- smart contract account, ETH的合约账户
- sybil attack, 女巫攻击
- transaction-based ledger
- TPS, transactions per second, 每秒事务处理量
- UTXO, Unspent Transaction Output
- Vitalik
- white paper, 白皮书,用来描述产品的原理和愿景。
- yield farming, 收益耕作
- Zero-Knowledge Proof, 零知识证明