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第23讲 流插入运算符的重载


运算符 原始定义 库函数中定义
>> 右移运算符 istream 中被定义为接受用户输入的符号
<< 左移运算符 ostream 中被定义为输出符号

用于位运算的左右移运算符在 iostream 中已经被被重载为输入输出的函数。 我们不能修改已有的标准库,只能将 << 重载为全局函数,第一个参数及返回值的类型都是 ostream &,也可以将 >> 重载为全局函数,第一个参数及返回值的类型都是 isteam &.

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

class Complex {
  double real;
  double imag;

  Complex(double real = 0, double imag = 0);

  double getReal() const { return real; }
  double getImag() const { return imag; }

Complex::Complex(double real, double imag) {
  this->real = real;
  this->imag = imag;

// 本示例中没有将本函数声明为 Complex 的友元,是因为个人比较讨厌友元这个特性
ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const Complex& c) {
  if (c.getImag() >= 0) {
    os << c.getReal() << " + " << c.getImag() << "i";
  } else {
    os << c.getReal() << " - " << -c.getImag() << "i";
  return os;

istream& operator>>(istream& is, Complex& c) {
  string s;
  is >> s;

  bool imagFlag = true;
  int pos = s.find("+", 0);  // 作为示例演示,不考虑 +/- 前后的空格
  if (pos == -1) {
    pos = s.find("-", 0);
    imagFlag = false;
  string realString = s.substr(0, pos);
  double real = atof(realString.c_str());
  string imagString = s.substr(pos + 1, s.length() - pos - 2);
  double imag = atof(imagString.c_str());
  if (!imagFlag) {
    imag = -imag;

  c = Complex(real, imag);
  return is;

int main() {
  Complex a;
  cin >> a;
  cout << a << endl;
  Complex c(3, 4), c2(-5.6, -7.8);
  cout << c << endl << c2 << endl;
  return 0;




5 - 6i
3 + 4i
-5.6 - 7.8i


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